Friday, September 14, 2012

Bluestem Brands Recalls Range Rider Ride-on Toy Cars Due to Fire and Burn Hazards

Name of Product: Range Rider Ride-On Toy Cars
Units: About 4,700
Importer: Bluestem Brands, Inc., of Eden Prairie, Minn., owner of Fingerhut and Gettington
Hazard: The battery can overheat, smoke, melt and catch on fire, posing fire and burn hazards to consumers.
Incidents/Injuries: Bluestem has received nine reports of incidents in which batteries smoked or caught on fire and melted the battery�s connections or scorched the plastic in the ride-on car. No injuries have been reported.
Description: This recall involves battery-powered Range Rider ride-on toy cars with an off-road vehicle body style and plastic tires. The ride-on cars were sold in pink and tan colors. The recalled Range Riders can be identified by their product code and model number. The model number is on the back of the seat of the ride-on toy car. The product code does not appear on the ride-on toy cars, but can be found on the product carton. The recalled models include:
Model #Product CodeProduct
90407BNI374Tan Range Rider
90407GNU640Pink Range Rider
Sold at: Fingerhut catalogs and online at and from September 2010 through May 2012 for between $200 and $230.
Manufactured in: China
Remedy: Consumers should immediately stop using the recalled ride-on toy cars and remove the battery and contact Bluestem for a full refund of the purchase price plus reimbursement for shipping and handling. The firm is directly contacting those who purchased the recalled ride-on toy cars.
Consumer Contact: For more information, contact Bluestem toll-free at (866) 931-5417 between 8 a.m. and 5 p.m. CT Monday through Friday, or visit the firm's websites at or and click on Product Recall.

Picture of recalled Tan Range Rider Ride-on Toy Car    Picture of recalled Pink Range Rider Ride-on Toy Car

Bluestem Brands Recalls Range Rider Ride-on Toy Cars Due to Fire and Burn Hazards